
Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Kristiane Verena Backer 's Journey to Islam

Many centuries ago a man in his forties stood in front of the most powerful people of Makkah and proclaimed to them that he had been chosen by the Creator of the universe to be His prophet to spread His divine message to them so that they leave the life of polytheism, invited them to monotheism and to start worshiping none but one and the only Allah. He was not only mocked and laughed at by his audience but was severely ridiculed, teased and bodily harmed along with his meager companions to an extent that he was forced to leave Makkah and emigrated to Medina.  And from then on, his small group of devotees who chose to follow their new faith started to swell and a time came that they all under the patronage of that lone man, now called Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet of Allah, entered Makkah to make it home of Islam.

And from then on, there has been no stopping people from embracing Islam and today, Alhamdollilah, Islam is not only the second largest religion after Christianity, but many non Muslims fear that one day it may overtake the Christianity - and the day doesn't seem to be very far.

In a series of posts on personal accounts of non Muslims reverting to Islam, I have tried to put across personal experiences and reasons why they chose to be Muslims. Each personal account is worth reading. 

While I shared experiences of ordinary people, I also shared personal account of famous Irish singer Sinead O'Connor. Today I am adding one more celebrity with a moving account from how from a top TV anchor and DJ of famous MTV Europe, the German born Kristiane Verena Backer, who proudly embraced Islam.

At the age of 24 Kristiane became one of the leading presenters on MTV Europe where she interviewed many celebrities, major artists and musicians of her time. But then came one person who changed the entire complexion of her future life. 
Kristiane Verena Backer with Imran Khan [Photo]

This man is Imran Khan, then a young talented cricketer and captain of Pakistan cricket team, and presently the prime minister of Pakistan. During their three years' association, Imran Khan gave her a number of books on Islam and she even traveled to Pakistan with him. And reading the books on Islam made her change and take shahada in 1995 and converted to Sunni branch of Islam after living here previous life as a devout Protestant. 

“I was convinced. I converted because I wanted to bring God into my life, and I wanted to purify myself to taste the spiritual fruits I was reading about,” she once told the HuffingtonPost.
I could narrate her experience and how she reached at this critical decision of her life, but it would be much better if you listen to her telling an audience about her journey to Islam. Her life experience provides a jump pad for those who have been inspired by Islam through reading books on Islam or interacting with Muslims, to take their decision to find the ultimate truth of their lives in Islam.

Please watch a video of Kristiane Verena Backer in which she reveals her journey form her hay days of early life to the pinnacle of career with MTV and then taking her ultimate decision to become a Muslimah.  And this video can is so adsorbing, listening to a high profile show biz presenter and celebrity to bow down to oneness of Allah and change her high profile life to that of a devout Muslim. I would say it is a must listen-to video for those who are aspiring to embrace to Islam - this will surely guide them how it feels like taking one big step of their lives into the realm of blessings of Allah.

Please watch the video:

In 2001, she performed Umrah when she visited Madinah and in 2006 performed Hajj rituals after which she wrote her famous book “From MTV to Makkah: How Islam Inspired My Life,” she wrote about her eventful journey from entertainment to ‘inner-tainment’.. And she very proudly claims that she feel elevated and blessed for being a Muslim. Backer now lives in London and works as a fine art consultant.

I commend her for her boldness to step down from the ladder of show biz and start climbing another ladder at the end of which is shining the heavenly light that changes one's life for ever and for good. For whenever takes the first step on the ladder, the entire perspective of life changes and a new meaning is given to one's aspirations, life and goals. May Allah bless her the best of both worlds. Aameen.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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