
Saturday, 9 March 2019

Islam and Life of Muslims in Non-Muslim Countries (Reference Page)

Islam is not only the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, it is also the second major religion in most of the non Muslim countries across the globe. While in some of the countries Muslims are a welcome part of the major populations, the recent wave of Islamophobia has made the life of Muslims difficult, if not impossible. 

Muslim Women observing hijab are the special target of extremist non-Muslims and are often harassed, coerced and even man handled in a bid to take off or tear apart their head covering scarfs.

Most of the Muslims, thus living in non-Muslim countries are faced with opportunities for self-growth to take advantage of the technological advancements in the countries they are living, they are also faced with numerous challenges to keep their Muslim identity intact under moderate to extreme harsh environments. While the rules for Muslims in Non-Muslim countries vary, there have been instances of extremely strict views which call for all Muslims to leave these countries. While migrating to a non-Muslim country, Muslims should therefore choose countries where their basic Muslim identity and rights are compromised, unless someone is entirely overpowered and has no other option.

In fact, they are struggling harder than the local non-Muslim population as regards equal job opportunities and classification of citizenship. Despite restrictions and challenges, the Muslims are doing exceptionally well as useful members of the societies they live in and it is also acknowledged by those with a balanced approach and rationale mind.

We at Islam: My Ultimate Decision, have initiated a series of posts to carry out an in-depth study of life of Muslims in non-Muslim countries and there have been many lessons that one can draw while reading our accounts which are strictly based on information available on the Internet, containing views of both Muslims and non-Muslims living in a particular country.

The list of countries so far covered under "Islam and Life of Muslims in Non-Muslims Countries" is as under (You may click on the name of the country to read our post specific to that country):

Americas / Caribbeans
More countries are being added in our future posts.

Note: The data for the posts mentioned above has been collected from the references given at the end of each post. If anyone differs with the material contained in this post, one may consult the references and their authors.  If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make the post all encompassing.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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