Showing posts with label Verse 83. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Verse 83. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Who are those whose eyes overflow with tears

Have you ever witnessed a non Muslim taking a shahada to become a Muslim? Well I suppose most reverts would have undergone this experience that when the took the shahada, tears intrinsically start to flow from their eyes. Ever wondered why is it so? This simple fact has been mentioned in the 83rd verse of Surah 5. Al Maida (The Table Spread):

وَاِذَا سَمِعُوۡا مَاۤ اُنۡزِلَ اِلَى الرَّسُوۡلِ تَرٰٓى اَعۡيُنَهُمۡ تَفِيۡضُ مِنَ الدَّمۡعِ مِمَّا عَرَفُوۡا مِنَ الۡحَـقِّ​ۚ يَقُوۡلُوۡنَ رَبَّنَاۤ اٰمَنَّا فَاكۡتُبۡنَا مَعَ الشّٰهِدِيۡنَ‏ 
(5:83) And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger you see that their eyes overflow with tears because of the Truth that they recognize and they say: 'Our Lord! We do believe; write us down, therefore, with those who bear witness (to the Truth).

Yes, it is the recognition of truth which has been hidden form them for years and when the truth unfolds, one cannot resist to control one's emotions and eyes become flooded with truth of happiness for having found the truth and the straight path that God has promised. This verse is in comparison with the attitude of the Jews and the Christians. While Jews generally stick to their beliefs, the Christians have a rather softer heart towards Islam for it is much closer to their beliefs, specially for those who realize that the notion of Jesus being son of God is an concoction by the priests and that Prophet Eesa (Jesus, may peace be upon him) was a prophet of God, like many others before him and Muhammad ﷺ, the last prophet of God.  The mention of group in the explanation below is in fact referred to Christians.

This is a picture of the way these true followers of Jesus (sws) enthusiastically welcomed the Qur’ān. This fact has been mentioned in the previous verse as under:
(5:82) Of all men you will find the Jews and those who associate others with Allah in His divinity to be the most hostile to those who believe; and you will surely find that of ail people they who say: 'We are Christians', are closest to feeling affection for those who believe. This is because there are worshipful priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogant.
Explanation Qur'an Wiki
This is a very vivid description of this group. They are so deeply touched when they listen to the Qur’ān that tears spring to their eyes in recognition of the truth they hear. In the first instance, they cannot express this recognition in any way better than allowing their eyes to overflow with tears. No words are adequate to describe their feelings. Such a response, indicative of profound effect, is a well-known human reaction. Tearful eyes, however, are not enough. They do not wish to adopt a negative attitude to the truth they have recognized as a result of listening to the Qur’ān and its evident authoritativeness. They take a clear, positive attitude which accepts this truth, believes in it and submits to its authority. They declare their acceptance in a profound and frank manner.

Please listen to explanation of the ayat by eminent Muslim scholar Nouman Ali Khan:
May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى‎) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the  Qur'ān. May Allah help us to be like the ones He loves and let our lives be lived helping others and not making others life miserable or unlivable. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door. 
وَمَا عَلَيۡنَاۤ اِلَّا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِيۡنُ‏ 
(36:17) and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the Message.”
That is Our duty is only to convey to you the message that Allah has entrusted us with. Then it is for you to accept it or reject it. We have not been made responsible to make you accept it forcibly, And if you do not accept it, we shall not be seized in consequence of your disbelief, You will yourselves be answerable for your actions on Day of Resurrection.

Reading the Qur'ān should be a daily obligation of a Muslim - Reading it with translation will make it meaningful. But reading its Exegesis / Tafsir will make you understand it fully. It will also help the Muslims to have grasp over social issues and their answers discussed in the Qur'an and other matter related to inter faith so  that they are able to discuss issues with Non Muslims with authority based on refences from Qur'an.

May Allah forgive me if my posts ever imply a piety far greater than I possess. I am most in need of guidance.

Note: When we mention God in our posts, we mean One True God, we call Allah in Islam, with no associates. Allah is the Sole Creator of all things, and that Allah is all-powerful and all-knowing. Allah has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.

For more Selected Verses, please refer to our reference page: Selected Verses from the Qur'anYou may also refer to our Reference Pages  and Understanding Al Qur'an for knowing more about Islam and Qur'ān.
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An effort has been made to gather explanation / exegesis of the surahs of the Qur'ān from authentic sources and then present a least possible condensed explanation of the surah. In that the exegesis of the chapters of the Quran is mainly based on the "Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an" by one of the most enlightened scholars of the Muslim World Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi.  
In order to augment and add more explanation as already provided, additional input has been interjected from following sources: 
  • Towards Understanding the Quran
  • Tafsir Ibn Khatir
  • Muhammad Asad Translation
  • Yusuf Ali Translation
  • Translation Javed Ahmad Ghamidi / Al Mawrid
  • Verse by Verse Qur'an Study Circle
In addition the references of other sources which have been explored have also been given above. Those desirous of detailed explanations and tafsir (exegesis), may refer to these sites.

If you like Islam: My Ultimate Decision, and to keep yourself updated on all our latest posts to know more about Islam, follow us on Facebook

Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Qur'ān - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Monday 22 March 2021

My Lord, endow me with knowledge and wisdom and join me with the righteous

In our series of posts on Selected Invocations from the Qur'an, today we share a very thought-provoking invocation, attributed to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him) at a time when polytheism was at its best and no one was willing to listen to him, even his own father. In fact, this 83rd verse of Surah 26. Ash-Shu'araa is part of next few verses which complete this invocation which have also been added in this post:

رَبِّ هَبۡ لِىۡ حُكۡمًا وَّاَلۡحِقۡنِىۡ بِالصّٰلِحِيۡنَۙ‏ 
"My Lord, endow me with knowledge and wisdom and join me with the righteous"

Hukm " حُكۡمً " here does not mean Prophethood, because at the time this prayer was made, Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) had already been appointed a Prophet. Even if this prayer was made before that, Prophethood is not bestowed at request, but it is something which Allah Himself bestows on those He wills. That is why hukm has been translated wisdom, knowledge, right understanding and power of judgment. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is also reported to have made a similar prayer. Arinal-ashyaa kama hiya: O Allah, give us the power to see and understand a thing as it really is and to form an opinion about it according to its reality.

“Join me with the righteous”: Give me a righteous society to live here in this world and raise me along with the righteous in the Hereafter. To be raised back to life with the righteous and to attain one’s salvation have one and the same meaning. Therefore, this should be the prayer of every person who believes in the life-after-death and in reward and punishment. Even in this world a pious man cherishes the desire that God should save him from living a life in an immoral and wicked society and should join him with the righteous people. A pious and righteous person will remain ill at ease and restless until either his own society becomes clean and pure morally, or he leaves it to join another society which is practicing and following the principles of truth and honesty.

Yusuf Ali Explanation:
Having shown clearly the distinction between the False and the True, Abraham now shows in the formn of a Prayer what his inmost wishes are. (1) He wants his own soul enlightened with divine wisdom, and (2) his heart and life filled with righteousness; (3) he will not be content with working for himself or his own generation: his view extends to all future generations; (4) and of course he wishes to attain the goal of the righteous, the Garden of the Bliss of the Divine Countenance; but he is not content with this; for (5) he wants his father and relatives to share in his spiritual joy, so that he can proudly see all whom he can reach, in an honourable station (contrasted with disgrace) on the Day of Judgment.
This verse should always be at the lips of each believer for it is none than Allah Who can enlighten our mind and bless us with true knowledge and wisdom not only to understand the Qur'an, but all hidden mysteries of the universe. And it is only Allah, and no one but He Who can bless and forgive us and enjoin us with the righteous. And also, it is only He who can protect us from disgrace on the Day when people will be raised to life on the Day of Resurrection.
The next three verses complete the above said invocation:

وَاجۡعَلْ لِّىۡ لِسَانَ صِدۡقٍ فِى الۡاٰخِرِيۡنَۙ‏ 
(26:84) and grant me an honourable reputation among posterity

وَاجۡعَلۡنِىۡ مِنۡ وَّرَثَةِ جَنَّةِ النَّعِيۡمِۙ‏ 
(26:85) and make me of those who will inherit the Garden of Bliss,

وَاغۡفِرۡ لِاَبِىۡۤ اِنَّهٗ كَانَ مِنَ الضَّآلِّيۡنَۙ‏ 
(26:86) and forgive my father for he is among those who strayed,
The Quran says that when Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) left his home at the tyrannical treatment of his father, he said: I bid farewell to you; I shall pray to my Lord to forgive you for He is very kind to me. (Surah Maryam, Ayat 47). To fulfill this promise, he not only prayed for the forgiveness of his father, but for both his parents: Lord, forgive me and my parents. (Surah Ibrahim, Ayat 41). But afterwards he himself realized that an enemy of the truth, even if he is the father of a believer, does not deserve a prayer of forgiveness. Thus, according to (verse 114 of Surah At- Taubah): The prayer of Abraham for his father was only to fulfill a promise he had made to him, but when he realized that he was an enemy of Allah, he disowned him.
وَلَا تُخۡزِنِىۡ يَوۡمَ يُبۡعَثُوۡنَۙ‏ 
(26:87) and disgrace me not on the Day when people will be raised to life,

May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى‎) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the Qur'ān. May Allah help us to be like the ones He loves and let our lives be lived helping others and not making others' lives miserable or unlivable. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door. 
وَمَا عَلَيۡنَاۤ اِلَّا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِيۡنُ‏ 
(36:17) and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the Message.”
That is Our duty is only to convey to you the message that Allah has entrusted us with. Then it is for you to accept it or reject it. We have not been made responsible for making you accept it forcibly, and if you do not accept it, we shall not be seized in consequence of your disbelief, you will yourselves be answerable for your actions on Day of Resurrection.

Reading the Qur'ān should be a daily obligation of a Muslim - Reading it with translation will make it meaningful. But reading its Exegesis / Tafsir will make you understand it fully. It will also help the Muslims to have grasp over social issues and their answers discussed in the Qur'an and other matter related to inter faith so that they are able to discuss issues with non-Muslims with authority based on refences from Qur'an.

May Allah forgive me if my posts ever imply a piety far greater than I possess. I am most in need of guidance.

Note: When we mention God in our posts, we mean One True God, we call Allah in Islam, with no associates. Allah is the Sole Creator of all things, and that Allah is all-powerful and all-knowing. Allah has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.

For more Selected Verses, please refer to our reference page: Selected Invocations / Dua " دُعا " from the Qur'anYou may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Qur'ān.
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Reading the Qur'ān should be a daily obligation of a Muslim - Reading it with translation will make it meaningful. But reading its Exegesis / Tafsir will make you understand it fully.

An effort has been made to gather explanation / exegesis of the surahs / verses (ayat) of the Qur'ān from authentic sources and then present a least possible condensed explanation of the surah. In that:
  • The plain translation has been taken from the Qur'ān officially published by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [1]
  • The exegesis of the chapters of the Quran is mainly based on the "Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an" by one of the most enlightened scholars of the Muslim World Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi. [2]  
In order to augment and add more explanation as already provided by [2], additional input has been interjected from following sources: 
  • Towards Understanding the Quran
  • Tafsir Ibn Khatir
  • Muhammad Asad Translation
  • Javed Ahmad Ghamidi / Al Mawrid
  • Al-Quran, Yusuf Ali Translation
  • Verse by Verse Qur'an Study Circle
In addition the references of  other sources which have been explored have also been given above. Those desirous of detailed explanations and tafsir (exegesis), may refer to these sites.

If you like Islam: My Ultimate Decision, and to keep yourself updated on all our latest posts to know more about Islam, follow us on Facebook

Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Qur'ān - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Beware of Rumour Mongers

Spreading of false news and rumours has always been an important tool in the hands of miscreants and rumour mongers to create unrest in a society or country in difficult times. Recently the onset of the 5th generation warfare has further institutionalize the rumor mongering with a view to create dissention among people of the target countries and demoralizing the people with a view to lower their morale and thus winning the war even before the unleashing of the military means.

Such rumours produce very dangerous results even in general circumstance even in the olden days. In order to forewarn the Muslims when they were just a few and were still struggling to establish a secure foothold, the 83rd verse of Surah 4. an Nisa was revealed to warn the believers of the rumour mongers and advising them to get an news investigated by those competent to investigate it lest the evil designs start to effect the hearts and minds of newly converted Muslims. 

Today, the following commandment of Allah is equally applicable when the use of social media and tipping of the journalists extensively by enemy forces is gaining momentum. Even politicians are using the social media and services of bribed journalists to fail governments and systems.

وَاِذَا جَآءَهُمۡ اَمۡرٌ مِّنَ الۡاَمۡنِ اَوِ الۡخَـوۡفِ اَذَاعُوۡا بِهٖ​ ۚ وَلَوۡ رَدُّوۡهُ اِلَى الرَّسُوۡلِ وَاِلٰٓى اُولِى الۡاَمۡرِ مِنۡهُمۡ لَعَلِمَهُ الَّذِيۡنَ يَسۡتَنۡۢبِطُوۡنَهٗ مِنۡهُمۡ​ؕ وَلَوۡلَا فَضۡلُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيۡكُمۡ وَرَحۡمَتُهٗ لَاتَّبَعۡتُمُ الشَّيۡطٰنَ اِلَّا قَلِيۡلًا
(4:83) Whenever they come upon any news bearing upon either security or causing consternation they go about spreading it, whereas if they were to convey it to either the Messenger or to those from among them who are entrusted with authority, it would come to the knowledge of those who are competent to investigate it. But for Allah's bounty and mercy upon you, (weak as you were) all but a few of you would surely have followed Satan.

This verse was revealed in a period of turbulence and upheaval when rumour was rife. Occasionally, baseless and exaggerated reports circulated and seized the whole of Madina and its outlying areas with alarm and consternation. At other times some cunning enemy tried to conceal the dangers threatening the Muslims by spreading soothing reports. A specially keen interest in rumours was taken by those who simply relished anything out of the ordinary, and who did not consider this life-and-death struggle between Islam and Ignorance to be a matter of crucial importance, and who were not aware of the far-reaching consequences of rumour-mongering. As soon as they heard something, they ran about spreading it everywhere. This rebuke is addressed to such people. They are warned against spreading rumours and are directed to convey every report they receive to responsible quarters.

Yusuf Ali Explanation
In times of war or public panic, thoughtless repetition of gossip is rightly restrained by all effective States. If false, such news may cause needless alarm: if true, it may frighten the timid and cause some misgiving even to the bravest, because the counterpart of it-the preparations made to meet the danger-is not known. Thoughtless news, true or false, may also encourage the enemy. The proper course is quietly to hand all news direct to those who are in a position to investigate it. They can then sift it and take suitable measures to checkmate the enemy. Not to do so, but to deal with news either thoughtlessly or maliciously is to fall directly into the snares of evil.

Muhammad Asad Explanation:
I.e., the half-hearted followers of Islam spoken of in the preceding verses (Zamakhshari). The above reference to peace or war - lit., "security or danger (khawf)" - is connected, firstly with the basic principles of statecraft mentioned in verse {59} of this surah and, secondly, with the discourse on fighting in God's cause beginning with verse {71}.
(4:59) Believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those from among you who are invested with authority; and then if you were to dispute among yourselves about anything refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you indeed believe in Allah and the Last Day; that is better and more commendable in the end.
"Those from among them who elicit [the truth]", i.e., the special organs of the state entrusted with gathering and evaluating political and military intelligence.
Verse By Verse Quran Study Circle Explanation: Spreading Rumors without Verification
According to ibn Abbas, Dahhak, and Abu Mu’adh radhiAllahu anhum, the ayah was revealed about the hypocrites; and according to Hasan and many others, this ayah was revealed about weak Muslims. [Rul al-Ma’ani]

After having reported events relating to this ayah, the famous commentator ibn Katheer has stressed on the importance of referring to the hadeeth of Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiAllahu anhu while considering the background in which this ayah was revealed.
According to this, when Umar heard that the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam has divorced his wives, he left his house heading for the Masjid. While still at its door steps, he heard that people inside there were also talking about the matter. Seeing this, he said that this was something which must first be investigated. So, he went to the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam and asked him if he had divorced his wives. He said, “No.” Umar says, “After having found out the truth of the matter, I returned to the Masjid and standing on the door, I made an announcement that the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam has not divorced his wives. Whatever you are saying is wrong.”
Thereupon, the ayah was revealed: “And when there comes to them a matter of security or fear, they spread it….”

This ayah tells us that hearsay should not be repeated without prior investigation into its credibility. Thus, in a hadeeth, the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam said, “For a man to be a liar, it is enough that he repeats everything he hears without first verifying its truth.” In another hadeeth, he said, “Whoever relates something he thinks is a lie, then, he too is one of the two liars.”  
“….. But if they had referred it to the Messenger and to those having authority among them, surely those who can draw correct conclusion from it would have know about it….”
Literally, the latter word, ‘istinbat’ here refers to the act of drawing out water from the depth of a well. When a well is dug, the water that oozes out first is called mustambat water. But, the usage in this context means to get to the bottom of something and find out the truth of the matter. [Qurtubi]

As for the correct signification of the expression: أُوْلِى الاٌّمْرِ  meaning “those in authority”, positions taken by scholars vary. Hasan, Qatadah and ibn Abi Laila say that this refers to the Muslim scholars and jurists. Al-Suddi says that it means rulers and officials. After reporting both these statements, Abu Bakr al-Jassas takes a general view and maintains that the expression means both. However, some scholars doubt the possibility that this phrase could refer to Muslim jurists because أُوْلِى الاٌّمْرِ in its literal sense, means people whose orders are carried out administratively.
“…And if not for the Bounty of Allah upon you and His Mercy, surely you would have followed Shaytan except for a few.”
May Allah help us understand Qur'ān and help us to act upon the commandments of Allah contained therein. Aameen.

For more Selected Verses, please refer to our reference page: Selected Verses from the Qur'anYou may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Qur'ān.
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Reading the Qur'ān should be a daily obligation of a Muslim - Reading it with translation will make it meaningful. But reading its Exegesis / Tafsir will make you understand it fully.

An effort has been made to gather explanation / exegesis of the surahs of the Qur'ān from authentic sources and then present a least possible condensed explanation of the surah. In that:
  • The plain translation has been taken from the Qur'ān officially published by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [1]
  • The exegesis of the chapters of the Quran is mainly based on the "Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an" by one of the most enlightened scholars of the Muslim World Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi. [2]  
In order to augment and add more explanation as already provided by [2], additional input has been interjected from following sources: 
  • Towards Understanding the Quran
  • Tafsir Ibn Khatir
  • Muhammad Asad Translation
  • Al-Quran, Yusuf Ali Translation
  • Javed Ahmad Ghamidi / Al Mawrid
  • Verse by Verse Qur'an Study Circle
In addition the references of  other sources which have been explored have also been given above. Those desirous of detailed explanations and tafsir (exegesis), may refer to these sites.

If you like Islam: My Ultimate Decision, and to keep yourself updated on all our latest posts to know more about Islam, follow us on Facebook

Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Qur'ān - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

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