
Monday, 31 January 2022

Some of our Most Read Posts

It has been four years, Alhamdulillah since hosting our blog and almost 900 posts have been posted so far for the benefit of Muslims in general and revert Muslims in particular. Our posts have been based on the views and research work of many a prominent Muslim scholars of all times as has been reflected at the end of most of the posts.

From exegesis / tafsir of the entire Qur'an (still in progress) to selected verses/ayahs and invocations from Qur'an, we have included all possible subjects that would aid to the knowledge and information of the reverted Muslims, for whom our blog is basically meant for. We express our gratitude to all our readers who have shown immense interest in our posts and we do hope these have been bifacial to them.

Herein under we share some of the most read posts from about almost 900 posts we have published so far. Please click on the image and you will be directed to the specific post:

You may send us feedback by posting your comments in the comment box below so that we continue to improve the substance of our blog for the benefit of all - whether Muslim or Non Muslims.
You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

May Allah help us to listen to scholars and modern research that everyday brings about hidden meanings in Qur'an hitherto fore not known before. Ameen

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