Showing posts with label Short Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short Stories. Show all posts

Monday, 22 April 2019

Short Stories from The Holy Quran: How Allah Saved Ka'bah from the Invading Army of Elephants

Chapter 105 Sūrat al-Fīl (The Elephant) is an amazing incident that happened few months before the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and due to its relevance to the elephants, the year is remembered in the history of the Arabia as the Year of the Elephants.

This sūrah narrates an actual event that occurred in 570 AD, months before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This sūrah is called "The Elephant" because a large army under the command of Abraha Al-Ashram, the Christian viceroy of Yemen (then ruled by the Abyssinians) which came with the intention to destroy the Ka’bah at Makkah. Since the invading army also included battle elephants, the sūrah is appropriately named.

We have already provided the exegesis of the Sūrat al-Fīl - however, the purpose of this post is to share a short clip which has filmed the incident, in which an elder is shown praying to Allah to save Ka'bah from the invading army of elephants, something that had never been seen before the people of Makkah and nor they had any defence or weapons to beat back these wild beats charging on to Ka'bah with full might and ferocity.

And sure enough, Allah heard the prayers and sent squadrons of Ababeel or the Martin swallows with "sijjil (baked clay) in their beaks which when struck the elephants had embedded in the pebbles the Divine force which made the elephants turn away, running back, and trampling the accompanying army. And as said in the last verse of the surah: And He made them like (an empty field of) stalks (of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle)”

While you may read the full account of the incident in the post on Sūrat al-Fīl, watch the short film which animates the entire episode as described in the history books and Sūrat al-Fīl itself:
One should never challenge the Divine Power for its wrath can befall in magnitude one cannot even imagine. May Allah help us to stay on the right path as described in the Holy Qur'an and elaborated by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him.

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Friday, 30 November 2018

Short Stories from the Holy Quran: Prophet Moses and Khidr

A lot many stories appear in the Holy Qur'an which teach us many lessons for living our lives as per the dictates of Allah to be blessed. In the on going series of Short Stories from the Holy Qur'an, today we are sharing the story about the interaction of Prophets Muse (Moses) and Khidr (may Allah's blessings be on both).

Before relating the story, let us quote averse from Holy Qur'an which gives an insight for all of us to understand the wisdom of very word that is contained therein for us:
"It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding." [Surah Aale'Imran 3:7]
While many of us know Prophet Musa very well, some may not have listened about Khidr, a mention of whom is made not only in the Holy Qur'an but in other scriptures and history books as well. The majority of Islamic scholars are of the opinion that Khidr was a Prophet.  The Quran refers to him as one of Allah’s servants who was granted knowledge, comprehension and mercy.
“Then they found one from among Our servants to whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves.” (Quran 18: 65)
Many scholars believe that since Khiḍr was Moses’s guide and teacher so he must be superior to Moses; only a prophet can be superior to another prophet; therefore Khiḍr was a prophet.  The name Khidr is taken to mean “the green one” colloquially associated with the Arabic word for green, al-akhdar.  Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has been quoted as saying: “He was named Khidr because he sat on a dry, barren piece of land and it suddenly became green under him.”

Now coming to the stories of meeting of Moses and Khidr in the Holy Qur'an. However, as a prelude, it would be pertinent to quote a passage from Hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) described the circumstances which led Moses to embark upon the journey to meet Khidr.:
‘Moses got up to deliver a sermon before Bani Israel and he was asked, 'Who is the most learned person among the people?' Moses replied, 'I (am the most learned).' Allah then admonished Moses for he did not ascribe all knowledge to Allah only (Then) came the Divine Inspiration:-- 'Yes, one of Our slaves at the junction of the two seas is more learned than you.'
Thus Moses embarked upon the journey along with his companion. Moses was asked to carry a fish in a container and where the fish leaves the container would be the place where he would meet a man wiser than him. The details appear as below in the Holy Qur'an [Surah Al Kahf 18:60-82]:

(v. 60) And when Moses said unto his servant, “I shall continue on till I reach the junction of the two seas, even if I journey for a long time. (v. 61) Then when they reached the junction of the two, they forgot their fish, and it made its way to the sea, burrowing away. (v. 62) Then when they had passed beyond, he said to his servant, “Bring us our meal. We have certainly met with weariness on this journey of ours.” (v. 63) He said, “Didst thou see? When we took refuge at the rock, indeed I forgot the fish—and naught made me neglect to mention it, save Satan—and it made its way to the sea in a wondrous manner!” (v. 64) He said, “That is what we were seeking.” So they turned back, retracing their steps. (v. 
Tired of the long journey, Prophet  Moses decided to stop and take rest. However while Moses was taking a nap, his companion saw the fish wriggle out of the container and slipped into the water. But the companion did not make a mention of this to Moses when the commenced their journey. It was only after when they had already traveled quite far ahead that Prophet Moses realized he had moved much past the destined point. So retraced his steps to the place where the fish had entered the water. 

Now here is a lesson for us to learnProphet Moses did not scold his companion nor lament about having gone off course, or wasting time and effort.  What had happened had happened; it was the will of God.  Prophet Moses’ behaviour is that of a person satisfied with God’s decree.  Once he learned that he had stepped away from the correct path he took the necessary action to return to the right way.  This is a lesson for all of us.  In this life, so many of us choose the wrong path but are afraid or too embarrassed to rectify their mistakes!  Once a person realizes that he has committed a mistake, they should immediately set about to head in the right direction. This should never be considered a defeat; rather, it is a victory.

Once back to the point where the fish had slipped into the water, Prophet Moses found the man he was looking for: Read as described in the Qur'an:
65) There they found a servant from among Our servants whom We [End Page 209] had granted a mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Our Presence. (v. 66) Moses said unto him, “Shall I follow thee, that thou mightest teach me some of that what thou hast been taught of sound judgment?” (v. 67) He said, “Truly thou wilt not be able to bear patiently with me. (v. 68) And how canst thou bear patiently that which thou dost not encompass in awareness?” (v. 68) He said, “Thou wilt find me patient, if God wills, and I shall not disobey thee in any matter.” (v. 70) He said, “If thou wouldst follow me, then question me not about anything, till I make mention of it to thee.” (v. 71) So they went on till, when they had embarked upon a ship, he made a hole therein. He said, “Didst thou make a hole in it in order to drown its people? Thou hast done a monstrous thing!” (v. 72) He said, “Did I not say unto thee that thou wouldst not be able to bear patiently with me?” (v. 73) He said, “Take me not to task for having forgotten, not make me suffer much hardship on account of what I have done.” (v. 74) So they went on till they met a young boy, and he slew him. He said, “Didst thou slay a pure soul who had slain no other soul? Thou hast certainly done a terrible thing!” (v. 75) He said, “Did I not say unto thee that thou wouldst not be able to bear patiently with me?” (v. 76) [Moses] said, "If I should ask you about anything after this, then do not keep me as a companion. You have obtained from me an excuse." (v. 77) So they set out, until when they came to the people of a town, they asked its people for food, but they refused to offer them hospitality. And they found therein a wall about to collapse, so Khidr restored it. [Moses] said, "If you wished, you could have taken for it a payment." (v. 78) [Khidr] said, "This is parting between me and you. I will inform you of the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience. (v 79) As for the ship, it belonged to poor people working at sea. So I intended to cause defect in it as there was after them a king who seized every [good] ship by force. (v. 80) And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. (v. 81) So we intended that their Lord should substitute for them one better than him in purity and nearer to mercy. (v. 82) And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure for them, and their father had been righteous. So your Lord intended that they reach maturity and extract their treasure, as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience."
This story has been mentioned in Qur'an not only to please us who are more interested in listening to stories at bed time or otherwise to amuse ourselves and our children. After telling a story, we never try to invoke questions in our minds as to the why to such events and how we should relate our lives to the lessons contained in a story or an incident that happens in our lives.

Concluding the Prophet Moses and Khidr story, we would see that:
  • Whatever Khidr did was in accordance with the instructions from Allah. He was to show three lesson-able incidents to Prophet Moses and he did not go beyond. This shows complete obedience to Allah, for Khidr acted exactly he was told to. 
  • Khidr was given knowledge of the incidents to show Moses how to have firm and unquestionable belief in Allah. The prophets do not question Allah when they are given a commandment, for it is Allah alone who knows the outcome and the philosophy behind. It is thus incumbent upon us all to have a firm belief in Allah, His book and the Messengers including the last of the Messengers Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). And we should never be found questioning our beliefs.
  •  The story of Moses and Khidr tells us to be patient and trust in the mercy and wisdom of Allah, for Allah’s decree stems from His supreme and absolute wisdom. It tells us that Allah does not treat anyone unfairly and that His decree for us is most just and inherently generous. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) once said: “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer.  If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him.  If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” 
  • While following the commandments of Allah, our personal judgment should never ever overtake the commandment of Allah and the way how a particular commandment is to implemented as explained and even practically manifested by the the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
  • It is important to understand that Allah does not create evil for its own sake, but rather it is often the forerunner of good.  These three events illustrate this point.  When we understand this we will never feel victimized or treated unfairly.  Sometimes the good in a difficult situation does not become clear until a long time afterwards, at other times it is apparent immediately.  
Always remember that The life of a human being is sometimes beset by trials, tragedies or calamities that appear to make no sense but in retrospect we see them for what they really are, lessons from the Most Wise designed to take us closer to the supreme reward, Al-Jannah, or Paradise. 

May Allah grant us wisdom to obey His commandments without hesitation and grant us patience to await the outcome from a situation which may seemingly be to our loss. For Ever loss, there awaits a big reward, if not in this world but surely in the hereafter when we would most hard pressed for Allah's blessing. Aameen.

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Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Short Stories from the Holy Quran: Yajooj and Majooj - Gog and Magog

Each and every word of the Holy Quran carries some message or lesson for those who have faith and belief in Oneness of Allah and the hereafter. While all surahs / chapters are revealed with some reference in context, Surah Al Kahaf assumes a greater degree of importance as beside other things, it also carries four stories for Muslims to learn lessons from. These four stories include the mention of:

  • The People of the Cave,
  • The owner of tow gardens,
  • Prophets Moses and Khizar (Moses, Khidar, may peace be upon them), and
  • Mention of many stories attributed to Dhulqarnain also called Zulqarnain

We will take on the stories related to above reference one by one, but for today we focus on one story which is wrapped up in mystery and has to be understood in almost full both from the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)

Dhulqarnain has been mentioned in Surah Kahaf as one great king who ruled the world. Some scholars call him a prophet while some call him a blessed pious man who was gifted with many attributes by the Allah Almighty to help the poor and oppressed people of his time. While he was traveling in the world, he came across a weary and wretched people who seemed to have been subjected to extreme suppression or torture. Herein under how this incident has been described in the Holy Qur'an, Surah Al Kahf (94-98):
{They said: “O Dhulqarnain! Verily Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog) are doing great mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a barrier between us and them?” He said: “That (wealth, authority and power) in which my Lord had established me is better (than your tribute). So help me with strength (of men), I will erect between you and them a barrier. “Give me pieces (blocks) of iron;” then, when he had filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: “Blow;” then when he had made them (red as) fire, he said: “Bring me molten copper to pour over them.” So they (Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog)] could not scale it or dig through it. (Dhulqarnain) said: “This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true”}
Before we describe the story, the text highlighted above, “That (wealth, authority and power) in which my Lord had established me is better (than your tribute) " may be seen in the context of another story we have already mention of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon, may peace be upon him) and King of Sheba. When Queen of Sheba offered wealth and gifts to Prophet Sulaiman, he too, being a pious and God fearing man had replied almost in the same words as Dhulqarnain had:
35. But lo! I am going to send a present unto them, and to see with what (answer) the messengers return.36. So when they came to Solomon, he said, "Do you provide me with wealth? But what Allah has given me is better than what He has given you. Rather, it is you who rejoice in your gift. [Surah An Naml, the 27th surah / chapter  verse 35-36]
The correlation has just been mentioned that pious and just Muslims who fear Allah have no lust for worldly wealth and fortunes for they help each other to please Allah alone. 

So Dhulqarnain built a wall of steel upon which molten copper was poured to block a pass between two mountains, which was the only passage from where the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj could come and threaten and plunder the people so mentioned in the Qur'an. However, when he was done, he forewarned the people that: This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true.

The warning thus meant that one day this wall would come down and the people behind would one day again come out to spoil the peace of the world. The mention of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj doesn't finish here for Qur'an makes a mention of these people once again later. But we need to completely understand the story of Yajooj and Majooj as mentioned in various Hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

While mention of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj appears again in the Holy Quran, as per the authentic Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) near the end of time, the descendants of the tribes of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will break open the wall and emerge again, and cause a terrible menace. This will be approximately be the time when the Prophet Eesa (Jesus, may Allah exalt his mention) would have already descended to the earth and people will be living an extremely peaceful life filled with prosperity and abundance. 

And then as already forewarned by Dhulqarnain the wall which imprisoned Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will break and they will surge forth in large numbers and swarm the world.
"But when Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are let loose and they rush headlong down every hill." [Quran 21:97]
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) have been quoted as saying in the authentic Hadith books of Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah that: Every day Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will try to break (dig) through the wall erected by Dhulqarnain until they reach the end of it to that extent that they can actually see the light on the other side. They then return (home) saying that 'We will break through tomorrow.' But Allah Ta'ala causes the wall to revert to its original thickness and the next day they start digging through the wall all over again, and this process continues each day until as long as Allah wills them to remain imprisoned. When Allah wishes them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, "If Allah wills, tomorrow we will break through." The following day they will find the wall as they had left it the previous day (i.e. it will not have returned to its original state) and after breaking the remaining part of it they will emerge."

The emergence of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will happen after Prophet Eesa (Jesus a.s.) would have already ridden the world of the menace of the anti-Christ, Ad-Dajjal. The menace of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will be so big that Prophet Eesa will take all the goof people atop the Mountain of Toor to save them from treacheries of the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj. The Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will then destroy everything that would come their way and there will no life, animals or crops will be left on ground. Obsessed with their success, the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj would then fire their arrows towards the sky to "kill' everyone up there and their arrows would fall back drenched in blood, though there is no explanation available as to whose blood those arrows be drenched with.
Al-Nawaas ibn Sam’aan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), wile describing the signs of the Day of judgment said: “… and Allah will send Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj, swiftly swarming from every mound. They will pass the lake of Tiberias [in Palestine] and will drink everything that is in it. Then the last of them will pass by and will say, ‘There used to be water here once.’ The Prophet of Allah, Eesaa (Jesus), and his companions, will be besieged until a bull’s head will be more precious to one of them than a hundred dinars are to any of you today. Eesaa (Jesus) and his companions will pray to Allah, and Allah will send a kind of worm (like that found in the noses of camels and sheep) on their (Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj) necks, and they will fall down dead, all at once. Then Eesaa (Jesus) and his companions will come down out of the place where they were besieged, and they will find hardly a hand span of land that is not filled with the stench (of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj), so Eesaa (Jesus) and his companions will pray to Allah, and He will send birds like the necks of camels to carry them away and throw them wherever Allah wills.” (Reported by Muslim, 18/68). [6]
Then Prophet Eesa and the faithfuls will descend but would be unable to bear the stench of the decaying bodies of the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj. So Prophet Eesa would again pray to Allah and Allah will send down torrential rains that would flush out the dead bodies of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj to make life livable for the people. 

It is quoted that the people will burn the wood of the arrows of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj for seven years. As per one Hadith quoted in Sahi Muslim :Allah will order the earth to yield forth its crops in abundance and there will be such blessing and prosperity that one pomegranate will be sufficient for a whole group while the peel thereof will suffice to cast a shadow over them. The milk of one camel will be sufficient for many groups while one milk giving cow will be sufficient for a whole tribe. One milk giving goat will be sufficient for a whole family..."

It would be pertinent to quote here an Hadith as mentioned Sahih Muslim Hadith 6931 Narrated by Hudhayfah ibn Usayd Ghifari about the time of Qiyamah or the End Day, Day of Resurrection, from which the letting lose of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj can be ascertained:
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He (may peace be upon him) said: What do you discuss about? (the Companions) said: We are discussing about the Last Hour. Thereupon he (may peace be upon him) said: It will not come until you see ten signs before and (in this connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of Mary (Allah be pleased with him), The Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog), and landslides in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly.
Thus, the emergence of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj would also indicate that the Doomsday Day was already at hand.

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Friday, 23 November 2018

Short Stories from the Holy Quran: Abel, Cain and the Crow

All stories begin with "once upon a time" - but what about a story that was the first story of an incident that happened at the very beginning of mankind? Well, that is the story of the first two ever born sons of the Prophet Adam and his wife Eve: The story of Habeel and Qabeel, or as in English Abel and Cain.

The story has been part of all the Divine scriptures like Torah and Bible and by and large has the same substance. A story that tells man's intrinsic attributes of love, hatred, jealousy, guilt and remorse - a story that emphasizes the sanctity of human life.

Both the brothers were asked to offer up individual sacrifices to God; God accepted Abel's sacrifice and rejected Cain's; out of jealousy, Cain slew Abel - the first ever case of murder committed upon the Earth. In the Islam, Abel has been chronicled in history as one of the first believers and as the first ever martyr. Although Islam does not traditionally view Abel as a Prophet, some scholars speak of him as a prophet like his father. 

Herein under how the story of Abel and Cain has been mentioned in the fifth Surah / chapter of the Holy Qur'an, Surah al Maidah. This incident has been quoted in Surah Al Maidah right after an incident which has been mentioned wherein the Jews of Medina plotted against the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and wanted to kill him and invited him on a dinner. It was at the nick of the time that the heinous intentions were picked up and the Prophet of Allah did not go for the dinner.
The two sons of Adam were Habil (in the English Bible, Abel) and Qabil (in English, Cain). Cain was the elder, and Abel the younger, - the righteous and innocent one. Presuming on the right of the elder, Cain was puffed up with arrogance and jealousy, which led him to commit the crime of murder. Among the Christians, Cain was the type of the Jew as against Abel the Christian. The Jew tried to kill Jesus and exterminate the Christian. In the same way, as against Muhammad, the younger brother of the Semitic family, Cain was the type of the Old Testament and New Testament people, who tried to resist and kill Muhammad and put down his people.[4]
  • 5: 27) And recite to them the story of Adam's two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice [to Allah], and it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other. Said [the latter], "I will surely kill you." Said [the former], "Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous [who fear Him].
  • 5:28) If you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.
  • 5:29) Indeed I want you to obtain [thereby] my sin and your sin so you will be among the companions of the Fire. And that is the recompense of wrongdoers."
  • 5:30) And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.
  • 5:31) Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became regretful.

 Although no details have been given as to what prompted the two brothers to offer a sacrifice, but mentions from history as have been shared by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reveal that Prophet Adam used to marry the son of a birth to the daughter of another Birth. Thus, it turned out to be so that the sister of Cain, who was to be married to Abel, was rather beautiful and Cain wanted to marry her instead, breaking the rule as set forth by their father. In order to decide the feud between the two, both offered a sacrifice with a view that one whose sacrifice is accepted will have the hand of the sister in dispute.

Abel, who was a shepherd, offered and well-fed lamb for the sacrifice, while Cain offered a few strands of his produce being a farmer. And as it turned out, the sacrifice of Abel was accepted, which was not accepted by Cain and in a scuffle, Cain killed Abel. Ashamed of his act, Cain did not what to do with the body of his slain brother and as per verse 5:31 quoted above, Allah sent a crow who flew near Cain and started to dig the earth to hide something it was carrying as to show to Cain how to carry out the burial of his brother. Seeing this, Cain lamented: O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became regretful.

The purpose of sharing the story of Abel and Cain in fact is a message for mankind. In fact, as per Islamic teachings, the murder of single soul in fact is tantamount to killing of the whole mankind. However, despite sending clear messages so that man can take a lead and desist from killing one's brethren, the man did not even spare prophets of Allah and many of them were slain when they tried to persuade their people to listen to the Divine commandments and follow the righteous path. In fact, more than the ordinaries, it was the prophets that were persecuted, mocked and even killed.

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