This is a scene showing all creatures gathered together. Every group is called by the doctrine it followed in this life, or the messenger in whom it believed, or the leader it followed in this first life. It is called to be handed the record of its actions and the result that determines its reward in the life to come. Whoever is given his record in his right hand will be full of joy, reading through his record and looking carefully at its details. Such people are given their reward in full. Nothing is denied them, even though it may be no larger than a hair’s breadth. On the other hand, a person who chooses in this life to remain blind to all indications of guidance will be also blind to the way of goodness in the life to come. They will be even far more astray. The outcome they will suffer is well known. However, the sūrah portrays them in this overcrowded scene as blind, moving aimlessly, lacking a guide to lead them. They are left like this without a final abode mentioned for them. This is because the blindness and strayness in that difficult situation is a destiny to be avoided at all costs.
Spiritual Blindness: The verse speaks about spiritual blindness, which refers to a person's inability or unwillingness to recognize the truth and guidance provided by Allah. This is different from physical blindness; it is a metaphor for lack of insight and faith.
Consequence in the Hereafter: The verse indicates that those who are spiritually blind in this world, who ignore or reject divine guidance, will remain blind in the Hereafter. This means they will face the consequences of their disbelief and misguidance in the afterlife.
Greater Misguidance: It further states that such individuals will not only be blind in the Hereafter but will also be even more astray. This emphasizes the severity of ignoring divine guidance and the compounded consequences in the afterlife.
Recognition of Truth: The verse urges individuals to seek and recognize the truth in this life. Accepting and following divine guidance is crucial for success in the Hereafter.
Accountability: It highlights the concept of accountability, where the state of one’s heart and actions in this life directly impacts their state in the Hereafter.
Guidance and Misguidance: The verse contrasts the state of being guided versus being astray, underscoring the importance of following the right path as laid out by Allah.
May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the Qur'ān. May Allah help us to be like the ones He loves and let our lives be lived helping others and not making others' lives miserable or unlivable. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door.