Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs used to bury their newly born baby girls alive for they felt embarrassed for having a baby girl born to them. The women folk was subject to worst type of oppression and were treated more of a sex slave rather than being a useful and respectful part of the family and society.
As Islam progressed, many commandments related to women were revealed to ensure modesty and honour of the women and strictly prohibiting the burial of baby girls upon birth. The commandment to observe Khimar, what is now misspent as Hijab, was to add grace and respect to the women so that their bodily charms should be hidden from the lustful eyes of the men when out of their houses. It is irony that today wearing Hijab is being taken as oppression of women and many countries have forbidden use of Hijab in public. They do not understand that their own women folk is subjected to worst kind of sexual harassment mainly due to half naked dresses worn by them, which incite men for undue advances.
Scroll down for list of posts related to Women in Islam
One of the major contributions of Islam toward giving a respectful status to the women is to entitle them to the property of their father. This is something that no religion of the times ensured. Even there was a time that the Common English Law allowed " ...all real property which a wife held at the time of a marriage to became the possession of her husband. He was entitled to the rent from the land and to any profit which might be made from operating the estate during the joint life of the spouses." It was only about a couple of centuries before that women were declared lawful heirs of the family wealth and assets.
This reference page thus carries a list of posts related to the status of women in Islam and their mention in the Qur'an. Mary, Maryam the mother of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur'an with extreme respect and honour. Besides mention of women is made exclusively in Surah An Nisa wherein her status has been well defined. Even there is a surah in Qur'an which was partly revealed to address the woes of a man who was being wronged by the traditions of divorce at the time of advent of Islam.
The posts discussed under this head so far posted are as under:
- Status of Women in Islam
- Women mentioned in the Qur'an
- Huwwa (Eve)
- Maryam (Mary)
- Hijab for Muslim Women
- An Exclusive Surah wherein Allah Answered a Pleading Woman
- Fatima al-Fihri : Founder of World's first University
- Lone brave Indian Muslim girl protects her Hijab from intimidating Hindutva terrorists
Note: The views expressed in the reference material contained in Islam: My Ultimate Decision are that of the Islamic scholars / websites. We have shared this view as added information for better understanding of Islam. The reader may or may not agree with the views owing to their own perception / school of thought being followed. If anyone differs with the material contained in this blog, one may consult the references and their authors. If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make our posts all-encompassing / comprehensive.
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