
Thursday 27 January 2022

What qualities does Salat/Prayer induce in a believer

Salat or prayer or namaz is one of the most important pillar of Deen of Islam. It has been made obligatory to each adult Muslim man and woman five times a day. Believers around the world leave their cozy beds in cold weathers before the sunset, perform wudu with cold water and then offer the pre-dawn prayer (Fajr). Thereafter four more prayers follow during the day till late at night. Some believers even get up from their sleep to perform the voluntary prayer of Tahajjud at night.

However, unless a believer understand the true philosophy behind offering these obligatory prayers, one cannot really feel a change in him and be a true servant of Allah, the Omnipotent and the Creator of the entire universe. From outer purification (wudu) to inner purification, man learns to acknowledge the greatness of Allah by proclaiming "Allah hu Akbar" while commencing his prayer and prostrating to show his humility and modesty towards his Creator. He ends his prayer by offering goodwill to the entire mankind by saying Assalam o Alaikam wa Rahmat Ullah e Wabrakatu hu.

So you see just in a few minutes how much a believer has achieved provided he really puts his heart and soul in his prayer / salat / namaz. I am sharing a very informative video today in the series of our posts on Scholars' Viewpoint to enlighten the hearts of the believers and encourage them to accrue maximum benefits from their salat so that those few minutes of salat are not wasted away.

Now please listen to eminent Muslim scholar Maulana Waheed ud Din dwelling on the virtues of Salat/Namaz/Prayer that leave indomitable effects on a believer:
May Allah help us to listen to scholars and modern research that everyday brings about hidden meanings in Qur'an hitherto fore not known before. Ameen
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For more Scholarly views and videos, please read our reference page: Scholars' Viewpoint on Important Issues Related to Islam.

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