
Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Scholars' Viewpoint on Important Issues related to Islam (Reference Page)

We at Islam: My Ultimate Decision, have been sharing exegesis of the Holy Qur'an based on the research of some of the eminent scholars of all times. The purpose of offering explanations and view point of different scholars is meant to enlighten the leader by offering explanation of same subject from a different view point or how different scholars see or think on the same issue at hand, for every two people look at the same thing and interpret it based on their field of research and understanding.

Like in philosophy, point of view describes the perception of an event or phenomenon and how exactly it is viewed. Point of view often is shaped by an individual's beliefs or experiences, the same way Islamic scholars present their view point to explain a verse from Qur'an based on their experience, specially keeping in view the reference to the context in which a particular verse had been revealed or a solution to the problem based on the commandments of Allah as contained in the Qur'an and if need be help is taken from the Sunnah and authentic Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad.

While we present most of our explanations and research work in writings, at times it becomes difficult to encompass the viewpoint of a scholar in words and which can be better understood by actually listening to a particular scholar discussing an issue at hand.

Generally, the discussion by the Islamic scholars as available on the social media and the world of web are in either Arabic or other native languages, which may not be understood by non-Arabic language people. Therefore, we would try our best to select those videos which are either in English or are with English subtitles. This will help everyone to understand issues confronted by Muslims, specially the fresh reverts, who may not be able to lay hand on authentic sources to find answers to many a question quizzing their minds.

Herein under is a list of such scholarly viewpoints which have already been shared. This page would thus become an index for all such posts we will share in future so that one can select a an issue listed here, sit back and listen to a learned scholar explaining the issue:

1. Questions related to Allah
2. Religion
4. Islam / Da'wah
6. Prayers (Salat) and Dua (Supplication)
7. Gratefulness / Gratitude to Allah
8. Special Islamic Months / Events (Ramadan / Hajj) 
9. Other Matters
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the videos will be those of the concerned scholar. We will be sharing this as added information in better understanding of Islam. The reader may or may not agree with the view owing to their own perception. If anyone differs with the material contained in this post, one may consult the references and their authors.  If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make the post all encompassing.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.
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Great work! You have indeed done a great service for both new and existing Muslims ! JazakAllah :)

Many thanks sir for the support

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