
Friday, 13 December 2024

Has rise in Islamophobia resulted into more non-Muslims reverting to Islam?

In the recent times, the word Islamophobia has gained unprecedent momentum and it is one of the most talked about word across the world. Invariably, an act of aggression or terrorism is instantly connected to Islam and Muslims condemned as a whole. But despite the misuse of Islamophobia, it is generally understood that reversion of non Muslims to Islam is gaining momentum. Today, we share a video on the subject to enlighten our viewers on the subject. 

However, before we share the video of a Dutch revert and let him answer the question, let us first understand what Islamophobia really is and how it has had a positive effect on non-Muslims to know more about Islam and ultimately embracing Islam.

Islamophobia refers to the irrational fear, hatred, or prejudice against Islam and Muslims. It can manifest in various forms, including negative stereotypes, discrimination, verbal abuse, physical violence, and even institutional biases against Muslims. Islamophobia often stems from misunderstandings about Islam, misinformation, or the association of Islam with terrorism or extremism, particularly in the wake of significant global events like the 9/11 attacks.

While Islamophobia is a serious societal issue, it has led to complex outcomes regarding how people perceive and engage with Islam. Some key points to consider about whether the rise of Islamophobia has resulted in more non-Muslims converting to Islam:
  • Increased Curiosity and Research: In some cases, individuals who are exposed to Islamophobic rhetoric may become curious about the religion and seek to learn more. This can lead to non-Muslims critically exploring Islamic teachings and practices, sometimes resulting in conversion. The desire to understand the religion beyond the distorted portrayals in media can motivate some to embrace Islam.
  • Rejection of Islamophobic Narratives: For some individuals, the rise of Islamophobia may provoke a sense of justice or solidarity with Muslims, leading them to convert. In these cases, people might be drawn to Islam as a way of counteracting negative stereotypes or standing against what they perceive as unfair prejudice.
  • Islam’s Appeal: Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, with a rich history and a comprehensive spiritual, ethical, and social system. The increase in Islamophobic incidents does not directly cause people to convert, but it may contribute to a broader awareness of the religion, which can lead to conversions for various personal, intellectual, or spiritual reasons.
  • Cultural and Political Influences: In a globalized world, people are exposed to a variety of religious beliefs and practices. While Islamophobia can make some people more defensive or resistant to learning about Islam, others may become more open to understanding different cultures and faiths. Social and political movements aimed at tackling Islamophobia can also increase awareness and empathy, leading some individuals to embrace Islam as a means of challenging prejudice.
  • Social Media and Globalization: The internet and social media have allowed more people to learn about Islam directly from Muslims or Islamic scholars, which can encourage conversions. Social media platforms also serve as spaces for discussions and sharing personal stories, which can influence others.
  • Personal and Spiritual Factors: Many people who convert to Islam do so because they feel a spiritual connection or intellectual curiosity. In some cases, individuals who feel dissatisfied with their previous religious beliefs may turn to Islam.
The trend of conversion to Islam has seen gradual increase in certain parts of the world, especially in non-Muslim-majority countries like the United States and parts of Europe. This could be attributed to factors like greater visibility of Islam, increased awareness, and dissatisfaction with other faiths. it is often estimated that around 20,000 to 25,000 people convert to Islam every day worldwide. This translates to roughly 7 to 9 million new converts annually, though these estimates can vary. A notable study from the Pew Research Center found that about 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year.

In summary, while Islamophobia itself is a harmful and unjust phenomenon, its rise has occasionally led some non-Muslims to explore Islam more deeply, which in some cases has resulted in conversions. However, conversion to Islam is influenced by a range of factors, including personal spiritual journeys, intellectual curiosity, and the desire for social justice. Actually Islamophobia has helped revert more people to Islam. This is how Allah has worked his miracle. Once people start reading about Islam instead of false information spread they find truth, truth always appeals to heart.

We have in the past, posted a number of revert experiences wherein non-Muslims have reverted to Islam, mostly born in the age of Islamophobia. Today, we share an interview with a Dutch man who reverted to Islam despite being born in a country where the temperature against Islam is rather high as compared to other countries.

Please watch the video:
Interviewer of Dutch revert is Moeed Pirzada who is a prominent British Pakistani geo-strategic analyst, TV Anchor, columnist and blogger currently based in Washington, US. He has written extensively for national & international publications - including Dawn, Tribune, Guardian, Al Jazeera, Khaleej Times - and is founder Editor of Global Village Space (GVS), on online news publication with a print magazine.

Those mulling over to revert to Islam, should watch this video for it may show them the light to the truth which is otherwise is obscured by prejudices and hatred about Islam. 

May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى‎) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the Qur'ān. May Allah help us to be like the ones He loves and let our lives be lived helping others and not making others' lives miserable or unlivable. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door. 

وَمَا عَلَيۡنَاۤ اِلَّا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِيۡنُ‏ 
(36:17) and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the Message.”
That is our duty to convey only to you the message that Allah has entrusted us with. Then it is for you to accept it or reject it. We have not been made responsible for making you accept it forcibly, and if you do not accept it, we shall not be seized in consequence of your disbelief, you will yourselves be answerable for your actions on Day of Resurrection.

May Allah forgive me if my posts ever imply a piety far greater than I possess. I am most in need of guidance.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the video above are those of the scholar concerned. We have shared this view as added information in better understanding of Islam. The reader may or may not agree with the view owing to their own perception. If anyone differs with the material contained in this post, one may consult the references and their authors.  If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make the post all encompassing.

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For more Scholarly views and videos, please read our reference page: Scholars' Viewpoint on Important Issues Related to IslamYou may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.
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