“He is ungrateful who denies that he has received a kindness which has been bestowed upon him; he is ungrateful who conceals it; he is ungrateful who makes no return for it; most ungrateful of all is he who forgets it.”
But before you scroll down for the verse being discussed, let me quote here a personal example. I have been blessed by Allah all along my life so profusely and abundantly. Yet I was had not been truly grateful to Allah for His blessings. I realized the hard way for being ungrateful. A few years back, I started to feel that I could not understand people around me when in a conversation, meaning by I was losing my hearing. Slowing and gradually the hearing loss became intense and it was then I realised how ungrateful I have been all along my life for not thanking Allah enough for the blessings I had. And then I bought a hearing aid. And suddenly my life changed. For the first time in years I heard the birds chirping around and even buzzing of a bee. Now without my hearing device, I cannot hear anything. This loss teaches me how easy it was to be ungrateful when I had every system of my body working perfectly. It is the loss of my hearing that made me grateful to Allah for His countless blessings that we otherwise do not notice and take these for granted.
Produced: ansha-a= made you grow, increase, develop, reach maturity: another of the processes of creation. This supplements ii. 916 and vi. 94. It is one of the wonders of God's Creation, that from one person we have grown to be so many, and each individual has so many faculties and capacities, and yet we are all one. In the next verse we have the allegory of grapes and other fruits: all grapes may be similar to look at, yet each variety has a distinctive flavour and other distinctive qualities, and each individual grape may have its own special qualities. So for man.
Muhammad Asad Explanation: I.e., with the faculty of feeling as well as of rational thinking.
Explanation Qur'an Wiki:
The truth that man was originated by God presses hard on the human mind. It affirms itself in a way that is hard to refute. Man exists in a world in which he is the highest and noblest species known to him. Among all creatures, mankind are equipped with the highest knowledge and the most extensive abilities. Man has not created himself. There must be, then, someone higher, nobler, more able and more knowledgeable than him who brought him into existence. Man must inevitably acknowledge this truth: his very existence puts it before his eyes. To continue trying to deny it is both unworthy and futile.
Hearing and sight are two great miracles about which we have learnt some remarkable aspects. 'Heart' is often used in the Qur'an in reference to the faculty of knowledge acquisition and understanding. This is an even greater and more remarkable miracle about which we only know very little. It is one of God's secrets in man's creation.
`Heart', which is often used in the Qur'an interchangeably with `mind', is the quality that makes man what he is. It denotes the faculty of understanding, distinction and knowledge which qualifies man to take charge of the earth and to shoulder the great trust. This is the trust that the heavens, the earth and the mountains feared to bear. It is to believe by choice and to discern guidance by self motivation. It signifies the diligent observance, by will and choice, of the code God has laid down. No one knows the nature of this faculty, or its centre, or whether it is inside or outside the human body. It is a secret God has not given anyone.
Man should feel ashamed of himself when he is thus reminded. He does not thank God for all the blessings He has favoured him with. Had man devoted all his life to expressing gratitude to God, it still would not thank Him enough.
Verse By Verse Quran Study Circle Explanation: meaning He initiated your creation and endowed you with intellect and power of reasoning. How little you use these abilities that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has blessed you with to obey Him, to act according to His commandments, and avoid His prohibitions.
We are human beings and not cattle. We were not meant to follow blindly whatever error and deviation we found prevailing in the world, without considering for a moment whether the way we have adopted was right or wrong. We had not been given the sense of hearing that we may refuse to listen to the one who tries to distinguish the right from the wrong, and may persist in whatever false notions we already have in our mind. We had not been given eyesight that we may follow others like the blind and may not bother to see whether the signs scattered around us testified to the Unity of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, which the Messenger of God preached about, or whether the system of the universe is Godless, or is being run by many, gods simultaneously. Likewise, we had also not been given this knowledge and intelligence that we may give up thinking and understanding to others and may adopt every crooked way that was enforced by somebody in the world, and may not use our own intellect to see whether it was right or wrong. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has blessed us with knowledge and intelligence, sight and hearing, so that we may recognize the truth, but we are being ungrateful to Him in that we are employing these faculties for every other object than the one for which these had been granted.
May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the Qur'ān. May Allah help us to be like the ones He loves and let our lives be lived helping others and not making others' lives miserable or unlivable. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door.
- Tafsir Ibn Khatir
- Muhammad Asad Translation
- Yusuf Ali Translation
- Translation Javed Ahmad Ghamidi / Al Mawrid
- Qur'an Wiki
- Verse by Verse Qur'an Study Circle
- Towards Understanding the Quran
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