and it is not only Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who find themselves lost when not being adequately told about religion, but some Muslims as well. Just read the following confession of a Muslim who despite being born Muslims grew up knowing nothing about Islam:
I was born as a Muslim but I was raised in an atheist house hold. We didn’t practice religion. My mom was clueless and never let us her kids ask a questions. Later on I found out that she was illiterate and she was not only uneducated but her whole entire family were atheist. When I went to college I decided to take world religion classes. I began to study religions but I fall in love with Islam. I kept studying Prophet Muhammad’s and his family peace be up them.
As for the Christians, generally, it is the Trinity concept which when read in details with its historical perspective that Christians find it based on fragile foundation. And specially when this concept was enacted more than three hundred years of the Crucifixion of the Prophet Eesa (Jesus, may peace be upon him). Besides, there are so many dichotomies in the large number versions of Bible that are generally written ABOUT JESUS and are not Divine Revelations as has been the case of the remaining three Divine Scriptures, namely Psalms, Torah and Qur'an.
In my quest to know more why followers of other faith revert to Islam, I came across a video, as is being shared herein under, which is about a Christian historian who through his quest to know more about Christianity and other faith, found solace in the fold of Islam and reverted.
Please watch the full video of revert experience of Tomas Lloyd Evans, from Wales UK below:
May Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) help us understand Qur'ān and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which is embodiment of commandments of Allah contained in the Qur'ān. May Allah help us have unflinching faith and trust in Divine Wisdom and decisions and should never lament for we do not know that something better has been planned for us by our most caring Lord. May all our wrong doings, whether intentional or unintentional, be forgiven before the angel of death knocks on our door.
وَمَا عَلَيۡنَاۤ اِلَّا الۡبَلٰغُ الۡمُبِيۡنُ
(36:17) and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the Message.”
That is Our duty is only to convey to you the message that Allah has entrusted us with. Then it is for you to accept it or reject it. We have not been made responsible for making you accept it forcibly, and if you do not accept it, we shall not be seized in consequence of your disbelief, you will yourselves be answerable for your actions on Day of Resurrection.
Reading the Qur'ān should be a daily obligation of a Muslim - Reading it with translation will make it meaningful. But reading its Exegesis / Tafsir will make you understand it fully. It will also help the Muslims to have grasp over social issues and their answers discussed in the Qur'an and other matter related to inter faith so that they are able to discuss issues with non-Muslims with authority based on refences from Qur'an.
May Allah forgive me if my posts ever imply a piety far greater than I possess. I am most in need of guidance.
Note: When we mention God in our posts, we mean One True God, we call Allah in Islam, with no associates. Allah is the Sole Creator of all things, and that Allah is all-powerful and all-knowing. Allah has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.
To read personal accounts of many who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences. You may also refer to our Reference Pages to know more about Islam and Quran.
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