
Friday 1 February 2019

Which Branch (Sect) of Islam to Follow: A Dilemma for the Reverts

Difference of opinion among men has always existed since time immemorial which has often caused wars, mistrust, disunity, discord, dissension and divisions in clans, societies, tribes and even religions. The three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths; Jewish, Christianity and Islam being no exception. While in all cases the main branch tree remains the same, the branches have grown out due to difference of interpretations of the Divine commandments and even due to political reasons as well.

I will not go into details of dissensions in other monotheistic faiths, but would suffice to say that like Christianity which is divided into Orthodox Roman Catholic and Protestant branches, Islam too has been divided in two branches; Sunni and Shia Sects. While majority of Muslims around the world, some 75-80% follow the Sunni Branch / Sect, the remaining follow the Shia Branch / Sect.

In fact by dividing us into segments is strictly in tangent to commandments of Allah:
 “And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves, and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided” (Quran, 3:103)
And divided we did as against the commandment of Allah. By the dissensions, we have weakened ourselves which is providing a ripe cue for the powers against Islam to take advantage of and harm the cause of Islam. It is worthwhile to mention here that when it comes to dealing the Muslims, all sects of other faiths gather under the flagship faith, while despite being threatened we continue to keep carrying different flags and never trying to shed our differences and be one.

The difference between the two branches is the discord over a religio-political leadership dispute about the rightful successor to Muhammad. While the former believe in the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the four caliphs that succeeded the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the Shia Branch disputes the succession and consider Ali, the fourth caliph and cousin/son in law of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as the rightful heir of the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ)and follow the Holy Qur'an, Hadiths and Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ), besides sayings of Twelve Imams and equate their sayings at par with that of the Prophet of Allah.

There are sub branches in both the main branches which basically differ on the interpretations of the commandments of Allah in the Holy Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet of Allah.

Now this poses a dilemma for the newly reverts as to which branch / sect of Islam to follow. Those who embrace Islam at the hands of clerics of either of the sects, generally follow the teachings believed by that particular sect. However, to many this poses a dilemma as to which branch is "The" right branch of Islam to follow. A revert is justified in getting puzzled  knowing that there are so many versions of Islam and how to make a decision?

The answer is both simple and complicated. Going by the simpler approach, one may only ask one question: Which sect the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) belonged to? Naturally the answer is very simple: There were no sects or divisions of Islam in the time of Prophet. All Muslims were equal and everyone proudly proclaimed the Shahada: So one should follow the path shown in the Holy Qur'an, which was practically demonstrated by the way the Prophet of Allah lived his life and said to explain many complex commandments of the Holy Qur'an. 

The Quran reminds us that, originally, humankind was one Ummah, but this unity was broken by various differences which the human beings created among themselves:
“The people were but one nation, then they differed. And had it not been for a previous command from your Lord, the matter would have been immediately judged between them for what they differed.”  [Holy Qur'an 10:19 ]
“And, (moreover), this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow (other) ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous.” [Al-Anana’am 6:153]
And by dividing ourselves, we have exactly done which was feared for us.

As for the more complex approach, one can read and consult thousands of books written is support of each sect and remain confused forever. We will drift too far if we start to get into the nitty gritties of these differences. But listening to Muslim scholars can ease our dilemma for they sum up the most complex of the problems in just few simple words.

Watch an enlightening video below by one of the most learned scholar of Islam today Dr Zakir A Naik explaining what a true Muslim should follow:

I hope by watching the video above, one may get to follow a common source of enlightenment: The Holy Qur'an and the authenticated Hadith and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). What came thereafter is all innovations, deviations from the true path as was observed and shown by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

To read personal accounts those who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences. You may also visit our reference page: Scholars' Viewpoint on Important Issues related to Islam to knw more Islam as eminent scholars answer some of the most asked question about Islam

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World Hijab Day - 1st February 2019

Hijab for Muslim women is not only a sign of modesty but also a Commandment from Allah, which makes it obligatory for Muslim women to wear clothes as ascribed for them in the Holy Qur'an. I have already written a detailed post on the subject in one of my earlier posts, in which I have also classified that what world calls Hijab is in fact called Khimer in Arabic.  However, since world understands Hijab what actually is Khimer, we shall use the same world so as not to confuse the issue.

In most of the non Muslim countries, Muslim women observing Hijab are often treated badly and some even pity them for following a religion which oppresses women and their basic human rights. Some so called outward looking Muslim women who feel ashamed of following the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and thus inadvertently support those who consider Hijab as a symbol of oppression and divisiveness. Hijab thus makes Muslim women a visible target and have to often bear the brunt of anti Islam forces.

In order to counteract Hijab related controversies World Hijab Day is being observed annually since since 2013, founded by Nazma Khan, a New York based Muslimah. The event takes place on February 1st each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage women of all religions and backgrounds to wear and experience the hijab. Event organizers describe it as an opportunity for non-Muslim women to experience the hijab.

This annual event is gaining strength every year and more and more Muslim women who felt shy of wearing Hijab for the ear of being singled out or for being targeted and possibility of being harmed. are now more confident of observing Hijab and tell the world that Hijab is a symbol of modesty and not a sign of been backward or orthodox.

I cam across some thought provoking comments by those observing Hijab, which shows resilience of Muslim women to stand up to their Hijab and defend it forcefully:
  • Rumana Zaib from India very boldly defends her decision to wear Hijab in a Hindu dominated India: "By wearing hijab, it gives a feeling of being safe and protected from the evil world, while still having the mind and courage to face it. It's where you CHOOSE NOT to stand a chance of being appreciated for the superficial beauty; which is mere an illusion that conceals one's hidden self. It's where you care less about people's opinions on your choices, when all your trying to is please the Almighty. And the best part is that you are representing your religion, and your people. Alhamdulillah, I have grown better after having understood this. From a time where I wasn't very practicing as a Hijabi, to this day where I reflect upon the need for being one - has got refined changes in me in the most subtle ways. This has a major role to play in the betterment of my thoughts, expression, perception and everything I do to carry myself well. Hijab is my armour.”
  • Marcela Daza (Colombia) says her Hijab is the Most empowerment garment: If you think hijab holds you from exploring the world, think again. My hijab is the most empowering garment I ever had. The hijab speaks for me, it tells the world that I’m a Muslim woman, that I believe in Allah (SWT) and I try to follow the prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) teachings. It’s also a reminder of the Sunnah (my ethics code) and acts sometimes quicker than my own conscience. It makes me feel connected with this world because as a Muslim woman, I have a moral duty in society.  At the same time, it tells me to keep working my way to Jannah (Paradise). [6]
Watch a beautiful video on Modesty and Hijab:

In a recent survey of 10 countries that included Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Philippines, USA, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia, Muslim women were asked many a questions regarding wearing of Hijab and otherwise. And this must come as a surprise to those who think Hijab is oppressive and against women freedom, that when women were asked:  “Do you feel oppressed in your hijab?” On Instagram, 94% answered No and 6% answered Yes.  On Facebook, 81% answered No and 19% answered yes. Read the complete poll at the given reference. [7]

May the world learns to respect tolerate people of other faith, specially Muslims, who perhaps are the only faithful left still religiously following Islam and trying to survive in a world that doesn't find itself at ease with women observing Hijab and protecting their modesty. 

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Wednesday 30 January 2019

The Fathomless Universe: Expressed in Seconds

When we travel in land, we are amazed of its awesome vastness as it takes more than a day to reach from one point to the other extreme on the other other side.Although, today, the distances have been compressed dramatically due to ever increasing speeds of the modes of transportation, the distance remain the same, only time has been compressed. 

But ever wondered the vastness of the Universe the Almighty Allah has created? From our naked eye we can visibly see only he moon and the sun, while all other planets of even our own solar system looks like tiny dots, amid countless tiny other stars that are many many light years away from us. The Hubble Telescope is unfolding the realities and the fathomless vastness of the extent of the Universe.
"The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it" (The Holy Qur'an, Surah Az Zariat 51:47)
The above quoted verse from the Holy Qur'an explains the vastness of universe, saying the universe has been created by Allah and it is being expanding, something the cosmologists and agronomists have recently started to acknowledge. And imagine that this all has been created in matter of days:
And we have created the Heavens and Earth and everything in between in six days and We were not touched by fatigue. [Holy Quran Surah Qaf 50.38]
This is the mighty power of creation of Allah, that still bewilders the modern science. Its sheer vastness makes it impossible to explore thoroughly and the presence of dark matter and dark energy keep 95.1% of the universe hidden from us. Therefore, the universe that we see and understand so far is only about 4.9% of the entire picture.[1]

I am sharing a video below just to give you an idea how the universe looks starting from an individual seen on the ground resting and then going up into a fathom less extent of the universe above us. And those who still deny that this universe came just by itself should now scratch their imagination and ponder that there has to be some Diving power who is responsible for its birth, just like a child is born from nothing in the mother's womb. If Allah could create this fathomless universe in just six days, was it difficult for Him to take His most beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from earth tho seven heavens in a twinkle of an eye and then bring him back to earth??
He (Allah) has created the heavens and the earth for just ends: Far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him! (The Holy Quran, Surah An-Nahl, 3)

Photo | References: | 1 | 2Read More about Attributes of Allah: Al Khaliq (The Creator) | The Inventor, The Shaper  | Read the Miracle of Isra and Mairaj
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Tuesday 29 January 2019

Life of Muslims in Non Muslim Countries: Romania

Islam in a strictly dominant Orthodox Catholics is a tale of resilience and of survival.  The Orthodox Catholics is a branch of Christianity that has the least tolerance toward other religions even towards other Christian denominations such as Catholicism Needless to mention that regarding Islam and Muslims, eastern Christianity and it’s adherents have an even narrower view.

Although Islam had once thrived for almost five centuries in what is called the Northern Dobruja part of Romania (lying between the lower Danube river and the Black Sea, bordered in the south by Southern Dobruja, which is part of Bulgaria) till as late as 1878, it now accounts for mere 0.3 percent of the total population (or mere 64,337 Muslims as per 2011 census). Most Muslims are of Tatar and Turkish origin, following the Sunni doctrine. The Islam is one of the 16 rites awarded state recognition.

Esmahan Sultan Mosque is the oldest mosque in Romania 1525 [Photo: Wikipedia]

At present there are as many as eighty mosques in Romania. The city of Constanța, with its Carol I Mosque and the location of the Muftiyat, is the center of Romanian Islam; Mangalia, near Constanța, is the site of a monumental mosque, built in 1525.  The oldest madrasah in Romania was set up in Babadag, on orders from Bayezid II in 1484. From the same period onward, groups of Muslim Tatars and Oghuz Turks from Anatolia were settled into Dobruja.

The Dobrujan Muslim community was exposed to cultural repression during Communist Romania. After 1948, all property of the Islamic institutions became state-owned. As a consequence, education in Tatar dialects and Turkish was eliminated in stages after 1959, becoming optional, while the madrasah in Medgidia was shut down in the 1960s. At the same time, Sufi tradition was frowned upon by Communist officials—as a result of their policies, the Sufi groups became almost completely inactive.

It was not after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 that the  Tatar and Turkish were again added to the curriculum for members of the respective communities, and, in 1993, the Medgidia madrasah was reopened as a Theological and Pedagogic High School. The school was later elevated to National College status, and is known in Romanian as Colegiul Național Kemal Atatürk. Since the 1990s, the official representatives of the Muslim community maintain close relations with international non-governmental organizations such as the Muslim World League.

In a country where Islam is only 0.3% of the total population, it is least understood and almost resented for whatever has been known is through stories of the Ottoman Empire incursions and myth of forced conversion.That was the general picture from the history books and specialty literature. In the modern era, Islam is viewed and understood in Romania through the western media and the global propaganda-war on terror scenario.Their unilateral way of portraying Islam and Muslims only helped to consolidate an already existing image and resentment. [2]

In order to mesh the Muslims with the locals, the concept of interfaith-inter-cultural marriages trend began to grow specially after the communism regime fell in 1989. However the concept was badly doomed as a lot of these marriages ended up in bitter break ups.The brides usually moved to their spouse place of origin, but within a few short years they would end up back home with heartbreaking stories to tell. Some of them were forced to convert,some beaten,some locked up,some lost their children,some had to escape,some lived in poverty and conditions worse than those in their own country. [2]

A majority of common Romanians feel that Muslims are primitive, culturally backward and that Islam is violent and cruel, and that Muslims worship a pagan deity, and oppress their women and that we are blood thirsty criminals bend on world domination through Islamization. In fact a lot of hatred and resentment toward Islam. Being a Muslimah ( a female Muslim) in Romania is no walk in park especially for those who wear hijab or the veil. You think that Muslim women have it difficult at times in the west? Think again and pay a short visit to orthodox eastern Europe. Within a month time you will be called every name in the book, in plain sight on the street, malls, stores, public transportation,etc. You will feel like locking yourself up in the house out of your own free will and never stepping foot outside again. [2]

In 2016, Romania’s largest political party nominated a woman from the country’s Tatar minority for prime minister on Wednesday. She would have been both the first Muslim and the first woman to hold the post - I don't have to tell details that follow except that the the Romanian president rejected her nomination, giving "no reasons" for the rejection!!

A mega mosque was to built in Bucharest with the assistance of Turkey in 2016. But it drew a huge public outcry against its construction and a lawsuit was launched to stop the project from taking place. Of the many arguments against its construction, one was "Once Islam enters a land, that land becomes Islamic and Muslims have the duty to liberate it someday." [3] Former president Traian Băsescu argued that Romania doesn't need "an accelerated Islamization process" and that the Muslims of Dobruja already have the mosques they need. The project was finally shelved in 2018 and the land earmarked for it was returned to the government. [7]

Dobromir village in Constanta County, is the only locality in Romania where the majority population is Islamic. "Allah hu Akbar" has been heard here every day, for hundreds of years. The Muslims are reasonably law-abiding and loyal to the country. Romanian Muslims consider themselves and are in all respects except ethnicity Romanians. [4]

I would like my readers from Romania to provide me feedback on the life of  Muslims in Romania to add to personal experiences of Muslims living there and how well do they enjoy their lives.
Watch a video about life of Muslims in Romania and their religious activities:
Author's Note: The data above has been collected from the references as given below. IF any one differs with the material contained in this post, one may consult the references and their authors.  If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make the post all encompassing.

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Saturday 26 January 2019

Yusuf Estes tells a Catholic why he Embraced Islam

Yusuf Estes who was born in a strong Christian family as Joseph Estes in 1944, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, has been a businessman and a preacher. He has  studied various religious cults along with Metaphysics, numerology and astrology in the early 1960s.  Estes converted from Christianity to Islam in 1991. Upon reversion to Islam in 1991, he found it very convenient to replace Joseph part of name to Yusuf, which is its exact in Arabic. Since his reversion, he is actively involved in Dawah, an obligatory duty of all Muslims to invite non Muslims to Islam.

Estes believes in the Salafi Islam, which advocates a return to the traditions of the salaf, the first three generations of Muslims, which include the generations of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his companions, their successors, and the successors of the successors.

His knowledge of Islamic thought, Christian concepts and Biblical background are well established. However, he does not claim to be an expert in ancient texts and manuscripts. He can however, be considered most reliable with regard to presentation of Islam into simple English language. Well known scholars from many Muslim countries have endorsed his projects and referred to him as most excellent in his presentations. [2]

His followers and others call him "Funny Shaikh" for his style of speech and making funny remarks and gestures. Yusuf Estes is loved by children and adults of all faiths. They delight to hear him entertain as he brings the pure message of Islam in simple English terms, and he makes it fun and easy to understand, while referring to Qur’an and teachings of Islam. [3]

Yusuf Estes believes that Bible has many contradictions, and that it an unreliable text. For his views that Muslims should celebrate Christmas and Jewish Happy Hanukkah and other issues, he was denied visa by the Singapore government in 2017. However despite many hurdles, he continues to extend Dawah go non Muslims. 

Estes is the founder and president of Guide US TV, a free-to-air Internet and satellite TV channel, which broadcasts programs about Islam.

His video talks and sessions are very enlightening and convincing. I had never listened to him before till this day when I came across this video in which a catholic female asked him as to why he became Muslim when he himself was a priest. His reply is most amazing and convincing for anyone who may have any wrong ideas or perceptions due to the teachings of the church.

Watch the video below:

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99 Attributes of Allah: Al Khaliq (The Creator) Al Bari (The Inventor ) Al Musawwir ( The Fashioner )

In the series of posts on 99 attributes of Allah, our last post was on the Attribute Al Khaliq (The Creator). In fact in the Holy Qur'an, three attributes of the Allah come together in the 24th verse of 59th Surah of the Holy Quran "Surah Al Hashr":

هُوَ اللَّهُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِئُ الْمُصَوِّرُ

These three attributes, Al Khaliq, Al Bāri' (The Inventor) and al Musawwir (The Fashioner) are synonymous to one an other. Allah the Almighty has created the universe from nothing, thus He is rightly attributed Himself as the sole Khaliq, the Creator of the universe. However, the two other attributes of Al Bāri' (The Inventor) and Al Musawwir (The Fashioner) augment the qualities of Al Khaliq.

We have already deliberated in detail about the attribute Al Khaliq in our earlier post. So in this post we will dwell on the latter two attributes of Al Bari and Al Musawwir.

Al Bāri'البارِئُ ) - The Inventor / The Originator:

In Arabic, the word Bari has many different meanings. Allah has bara'a, created or initiated the creation without a model; bariyyah means those whom He has created. Another meaning is curing or healing. A wise saying state that one who is cured should express gratitude to the One Who cured him. Al-Baari’ is also the One Who made man from al-baraa, i.e., clay.

In fact Allah has created everything (Al Khaliq), but He gave each a form which was unique and distinctive, that is the attribute Al Bāri'. If we look around each creation is different from each other. Even the most identical twins are not the same genetically or biologically. Imagine the living beings, man, animals, fish, fish, flowers and all other living organism, a large number of which exist or existed, but none is exactly alike. 

We humans alone are entirely different from each other - even no two humans have the same finger prose, which otherwise look so similar to naked eye. Our bone structure is unique that bears the weight of mass over it. Ever cared to compare the bone structure of different animals and humans - how diverse these are and how articulately these have been joined together?

This vast deviations could only be ensured by Allah Almighty, who is Al Khaliq and Al Bāri' too.
Allâh, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is Allâh, your Lord, so Blessed is Allâh, the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists). [Holy Qur'an, Surah Al Ghafir 40:64]
Needless to say that it is He who has made everything that is in perfect harmony and proportion, without blemish or fault. Bāri' denotes the way the One works with substances, often creating from existing matter, making and evolving that which is free and clear of any other thing, free and clear of imperfections. Beside physical appearances, beauty and grandeur, Allah has given man and all other creations with special aptitudes, faculties and capacities.

The human animal and plant anatomy is something that best of the scientists and doctors have yet to understand it and create something similar to it. We may make robots that can assist us in assembling cars or even assisting us in our daily housed chores, these can never be a true replica of man. Even if we make something closer to it, could we ever be able to give it a mind just like us?

Al Musawwir ( المُصَوِّر ) - The Fashioner

Every creation has a shape, drawn very deliberately and critically. Al Musawwir is thus the one who has given everything a special form and a special manner whereby it is distinguished. Our faces, hands, toes and every part of our body has be designed in such an artistic completeness that no being other than Allah, the Al Musawwir, has the ability to do so. 

The brush strokes of the Nature are unique and awesome, leave us spellbound when we look at beautifully shaped meadows, vast stretches of lush green lands, the mountains with each peak designed entirely from the other. The colours and hues are unimaginably diverse and different. In fact no human or computer can bring out so many colour combinations that exist in the Nature. The Fashioner or the Shaper has given each creation with a unique beauty different from the other.

If one has a flare for underwater photography, one would be amazed to find the fish, each different from the other in colour and shape. The coral reefs under the seas are another creations, shaped and coloured so magnificently that even the best of the painters find them unable even to imitate or copy.

Look at the animals: the lions, the leopards, cheetah, the gazelles, the impalas, the giraffe, the elephants, rhinos, horses and lot others. How beautifully these have been shaped with entirely different attributes. 

One can go on and on explaining these three attributes Al Khaliq, Al Bāri' (The Inventor) and al Musawwir (The Fashioner), but the explanations and details are never ending. Rather sometimes, some attributes are unexplainable. Then why do not we acknowledge Allah as the sole Creator of the universe, and why do we still include others to be His equal or even partner. May Allah grant us the wisdom to bow in front of Him as much as we can to thank Him for everything that He created fro us. 

So when talking of the Creation and the Creator, al-Khaaliq is a general word, al-Baari’ is more specific and al-Musawwir is even more specific.

Please watch the video below and listen to an enlightening commentary on the meaning of these three attributes of Allah:

You may refer to our post "99 Attributes of Allah" for complete list of 99 attributes of Allah Almighty with meaning and explanation.

Photos: Pixabay | References: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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Friday 25 January 2019

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong

All religions propagate peace, love, enjoining good and forbidding wrong. But in Islam, it is more than that mere pursuing good or forbidding bad. In fact it is incumbent upon every Muslim to enjoin good and make his/her utmost to prevent wrong.

In the Holy Quran, at nine different places, Muslims have been asked to enjoin good and forbid wrong. In Arabic this is called as:
الأمر بالمَعْرُوف والنَهي عن المُنْكَر
(Amr bil Ma'roof wa Nahi ‘anil Munkar)
"You enjoin what is right and forbid what is reprehensible"

That is to say that in the first place every Muslim should strive his/her best to do good and resist from doing what is forbidden by Allah. If every Muslim sticks to good deeds, it will have tranquil effect in the society and others will be attracted towards doing good too, as there will be nothing bad to be seen around them.

Doing good may not raise any eyebrows as it is something that one is doing himself and those not doing good may not be affected by such deeds, if they have no fear of Allah left in them. However, in some conditions, even a righteous person or a person who always enjoins good may pose a difficult situation for those doing otherwise. It is often seen that hardworking employees are seldom liked by dodgers and those shirking their duties to evade handwork and enjoy life as it comes to them without someone comparing them with the good employees. Even under such trying conditions, one must continue to do good no matter what - that is the minimum.

Thus a Muslim must himself be good and encourage others to do good, either through setting personal example or by words of mouth - in Islam this duty is called "Amr bil Ma'roof", which means enjoining the right. The Arabic word Amr means instruct or urge (someone) to do something or to enjoin, while Ma'roof means ‘good, known, well-known, generally recognized, beneficence, approved by Shariah”. So Amr bil Ma’roof means ‘Enjoining the good, the approved” or "ordering for acknowledged virtues".

At the same time, a Muslim must also refrain from violating the laws enunciated in the Holy Qur'an, and the laws of the land and of the state. Besides, he must also refrain from committing sins or acts which have been forbidden by Allah and as explained in the Holy Qur'an and elaborated by the Prophet Muhammad. It will only be then he will be justified to to prevent sins and corruption from the society he lives in. Islam calls this duty "Nahi ‘anil Munkar", which means forbidding the wrong. Munkar, which is the opposite of Ma’roof, which means ‘bad, evil, detestable, disagreeable, abominable, disapproved’. Thus Nahi ‘anil Munkar means ‘Forbidding evil, wrong, the disapproved’.

Thus Amr bil Ma'roof and wa Nahi ‘anil Munkar together form one of the most important and foremost duties of every Muslim. It is in fact the rai·son d’être of the Muslim Ummah.

But the problem arises when it comes to stopping someone who is doing bad things are following a wrong path. Here as A Muslim, we have  have an obligation: To stop wrong being done or forbid its happening.  This is something which is very difficult thing to do but as I said before it is the obligation which has been thrust upon us by the Almighty Allah.

Now here there are three ways a Muslim can stop or forbid the wrong being committed:
  • If he is powerful and have guts to stand before a demagogue, he must stop the wrong be done forcibly. However, he must be perfectly sure that that what he is stopping is really wrong as sometimes apparent wrong may not be so in reality.
  • And if does not find him powerful enough to physically stop someone from doing wrong, he may forbid the wrong doer by tongue. This can be forceful command if one can muster enough courage or even a persuasive tone to convince the wrong doer that he is doing a wrong thing which may not only harm him, but may have a collateral effect in the society as well.
  • And the least one can do is that one must detest the act of wrong doing from his heart, which though is considered to be the sign of the weakest faith.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has quoted to have said by Abu Sa'd al Khudri (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 79): "He who among you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do even that, then he should (at least abhor it) from his heart; and that is the least of faith."

Since forbidding or stopping wrong to take place is a difficult thing, more stress is laid not only on resisting temptations and lust of wrongdoing but also preventing it to happen by others. Those who can do it rise much above the others, the bystanders who cannot muster courage to prevent wrong being done. This is often seen that when two people are fighting or a wicked man is harassing the poor or threatening to give into his demands, most of the people watching these scene do not seem to mustering  enough courage to stop him for fear of personal damage or hurt. But there is always someone who picks up the courage to stop the wrong being committed, though in many situation being personally harmed too.  

It is for such people, that Allah says in Surah Aal `Imran, Chapter 3, verse 110 of the Holy Qur'an:
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are transgressors.”. 
The verse above clearly states that the earlier people too were asked to to enjoin what was good and forbid what was right, but they did not have faith and became transgressors. As I said before, each religions commands men to be good and stop wrong. But what happens is that while a messenger or prophet is with them or have gone away, the followers continue to observe what Divine message he had brought to them. But after a while, there rises a group of people who start to do what had been forbidden and stop doing what was commanded. This is what has been mentioned in the above quoted verse from the Holy Qur'an. 

The Muslims thus have an obligation on them to enjoin good and forbid wrong so as to be the best people as promised by Allah. The Holy Prophet Muhammad () had therefore stressed: "Never forget practicing "Nahi ‘anil Munkar" otherwise cruel will become your masters and then your prayers will not be accepted by Allah (SWT)." And how true these words have been as we see around us tyrants ruling some of the Muslim countries, usurping upon  the rightful rights of their people and filling up their coffers.

In Surah Al `Imran [Chapter 3 of Holy Qur'an], verse 104 Allah commands:
Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.
This commands clearly means that it is obligatory for every Muslim to confront what is wrong and stop it. So unless, righteous Muslims rise to save them and the society from the wrong being done to them, their conditions can never improve. 

Talking of Amr bil Ma'roof wa Nahi ‘anil Munkar in the prevalent environment, besides people of other faith, Muslims too have joined the practices that are tangent to teachings of Islam. All innovations (bid'at) and false social practices continue under social pressures. Bribery, backbiting, corruption, indecency, and dishonesty flourish under social approval. It is frightening to see how our real life matches the description given for the hypocrites. 
“The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them [accordingly]. Indeed, the hypocrites – it is they who are the defiantly disobedient”. (Surah At-Tawbah 9:67)
And it has literally become impossible to propagate Amr bil Ma'roof wa Nahi ‘anil Munkar. Under the influence of wave of freedom, if someone is asked to do good or someone is stopped from doing a wrong, one often comes across the notion: "This is my life, leave me alone." Even Muslim women who disregard the Islamic teachings of attire, are adamant to change for it is their life.

Nevertheless, despite all objections and barriers, propagation of Amr bil Ma'roof wa Nahi ‘anil Munkar remains foremost duty of every Muslim and we have to take a start from within us - a family where the head of the family not only exhibits a righteous behaviour which should serve as a role model for his family, bu also caution them from doing wrong, while himself committing any wrong deed.  This gives a birth to a righteous family and as every family grows, the society becomes clean of wrong doings and prosperous in doing good. The chain reaction thus should not stop, and a Muslim society is born of "best people" as envisioned by Allah Almighty.  

I hope this post leaves a positive impression on my readers to take up their scared duty to reform their rest of their lives to enjoin good and forbid wrong. Remember, in a world of moral relativism these permanent values are the hope for the whole mankind.

For more Selected Verses, please refer to our reference page: Selected Verses from the Qur'anYou may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Qur'ān.

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